JOB DESCRIPTIONS - Why are they so important?

Why is a job description so important?  I always tell employers there are four reasons:

First, a job description clearly states the expectations of the position.  If you have an employee that is struggling with the role, do they know the expectations of the role?  If an employee is not doing everything they should be doing, have you provided them in writing what your expectations are?  Particularly, the essential job functions?  When I started my career out of college, my first position was with the Garden City Cooperative in Garden City, Kansas.  I took on a position that was new (not a replacement).  I had a fancy titled called, “Communications and Compliance Coordinator”.  They gave me verbal instructions of what the role should be, but no job description.  I call this baptism by fire, so I moved forward with my verbal instructions and did the best I could with the information I had.  Ironically, I showed up to work after six months of being in this new role and on my desk was a job description – my job description for this new role!  Guess what?  I was only doing approximately 70% of what my employer wanted me to do.  Now I knew my expectations!


Kansas Drunk Driving Laws Penalties and Consequences

If your business is in Kansas (and your respective employees work in Kansas), below is a link to the drunk driving laws, penalties, and consequences for driving under the influence.  Good information to share at your next safety meeting.

Why am I sharing?  Long story short, many clients have contacted HR Partners advising us their employees received DUI’s on their personal time.  Unfortunately, even though it was on their personal time, they ended up ultimately losing their driver’s license.  Losing your drivers license is not a good thing when you are “required” to drive for your current position,  and many employees have lost their jobs because of not being able to fulfill this essential job function.  It is worth sharing with your team that beyond fines and jail time, they could lose their career/job as well.

Stay safe and continue to enjoy your summer!

Kansas Drunk Driving Laws Penalties and Consequences

Human Resources Leadership Training

Does your leadership team need a “reboot” with human resources leadership training?  Coming out of the COVID fog, it seems to be a prominent item on organization’s “to do” list.  Recently, I did leadership training with Marshall County’s leaders, and it was featured in their local paper.  The details are here.

Below are the most common subject matters leaders may need a “tune up” on:

  • Hiring Talent – Effective Orientations and Onboarding
  • Workplace Etiquette and Boundaries – Know the Law and How to Solve Workplace Issues
  • Tips on Coaching and Managing Your Team
  • Communicating and Documenting Performance
  • Employee Handbook – Know Your Policies (Fair and Consistent)
  • Time Management 101 – How to Be Efficient and Productive
  • COLORS – What personality are you?  What contributions and challenges do you bring to the organization?

Give us a call if you need assistance with any of your HR training needs.  785-233-7860.

Employee Handbook - The Three Must Have's

It is time to update your employee handbook and it is a good business practice to review it annually.  Here are three (3) items you should have in your employee handbook:

  1. Employment Laws Should Follow the Employer’s Size

Employment laws require an organization to be compliant based upon the number of current employees who are on the payroll.  Employment laws change when the employment numbers change.  (Please see guidance link below.):

For example, below are the grids of compliance for employment laws.  The more employees you have, the more employment laws you will need to comply with.


Background Checks - Why Do Them? Which Ones Should I Do?

Good morning!

If there is one single “to do” item you should not skip in the recruitment process, it is administering background checks.  Why are they so important?  Let me provide some examples, and give you my top four (4) background checks you should administer on any potential employee of your organization:

  • Criminal Background Checks – If a prospective employee committed an offense in the State of Kansas (KBI check) or anywhere in the United States (federal background check), knowing what their history is becomes critical to decreasing liability for your organization.  Through these background checks, I have discovered past issues of aggravated assault (one time against a police officer), theft, drug charges and even murder!  Conduct a criminal background check!
  • Credit Check – HR Partners encourages this when three primary areas of responsibility will be in the employee’s job description. 


The HR Partners Holiday Video - 2023

We appreciate your business, and we wish you nothing but the best for Christmas and the New Year holidays.

2024 will be an epic year and we can’t wait to work with you to continue the magic.

To view the video, click the image below or click here, and once you see the video on Vimeo, please click the play button. Enjoy!

 Christmas Video 2023


HR Advisor Newsletter

What our clients say...

Wood County Electric Cooperative, Inc. (“WCEC”)

Debbie Robinson
CEO and General Manager 
Wood County Electric Cooperative, Inc. (“WCEC”)

"We have recently used the services of HR Partners to coordinate the evaluation of our CEO. I found their services made the process convenient and easy to administer.

HR Partners also helped us to analyze the results of our CEO evaluation survey offering unique perspectives we may not have otherwise picked up on. I’m very happy with the services I received."