
HR Partners offers an array of on-line assessment tools which target all phases of employment, from selection and hiring to training, coaching and management performance. These assessments provide accurate, reliable data which help employers achieve the best job fit; help managers lead, coach and motivate effectively; and help all employees direct their efforts toward greater productivity and profitability.

The assessments HR Partners offers will measure and evaluate, for example, how well an individual fits into the culture of a company, the candidate's current knowledge related to the position, and the candidate's likelihood for success. Following the completion of the on-line assessment, customized reports are emailed to the manager or supervisor, which provide a comprehensive, objective analysis of the candidate. The reports even offer customized questions to be used for subsequent interviews. The assessments may also be benchmarked against the "ideal" qualifications of the position to see how the actual candidate stacks up.

When considering tests and assessments for use in the hiring process, you should look at six (6) factors:

  1. accuracy
  2. reliability
  3. job relevancy
  4. non-discriminatory
  5. validity
  6. ease of administration

HR Partners has conducted the research and as an independent PXT Select™ Authorized Partner, utilizes nationally recognized, high-quality assessments which meet the above criteria, including but not limited to (click to view associated PDFs):

In our experience, one of the most commonly used assessments is the PXT Select™. The PXT Select™ is a multi-purpose, total person assessment with a variety of uses including selection, coaching, training, promotion, managing, succession planning and job description development. This assessment measures a candidate's Thinking and Reasoning Style, Behavioral Traits and Occupational Interests, which reveal a candidate's job-related qualities.

* PXT Select™ is a trademark of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved.


The HR Partners Holiday Video - 2023

We appreciate your business, and we wish you nothing but the best for Christmas and the New Year holidays.

2024 will be an epic year and we can’t wait to work with you to continue the magic.

To view the video, click the image below or click here, and once you see the video on Vimeo, please click the play button. Enjoy!

 Christmas Video 2023


HR Advisor Newsletter

What our clients say...

East Texas Electric Cooperative

Tambra Offield
Officer Manager
East Texas Electric Cooperative

“I first met Kristina Dietrick and learned of HR Partners at last year’s NRECA Interact conference.  Her presentation on developing an employee handbook was very informative.  Kristina sent me all the materials and introduced me to the staff who worked closely with myself and our General Manager to develop our new employee handbook specifically to fit our needs. 

We were so impressed that when our Board President asked about doing an evaluation of our General Manager’s performance, that we immediately thought of HR Partners.”

We can’t thank HR Partners enough for all their help with our GM’s review process.  Their knowledge and experience made the process so easy. 

I have recommended CBS to all 10 of our distribution cooperative members for all their human resources needs.