Facing the Giants: True Leaders Don't Quit
Take a look at this movie scene from Facing the Giants. The entitled video is "True Leaders Don't Quit". A lot of "aha" moments to assist you or your team with leadership. What did I capture from this movie scene?
Bottom line, everyone is a leader. Lead by example, show the characteristics of a winner, and you will succeed.
Gwen Denton
Human Resources Director
Grandstand Glassware & Apparel
"I have worked with HR Partners for over two (2) years in an advisory and legal capacity. The HR Partners Team has made themselves available with little notice when I’ve been in need of their expertise in an immediate situation.
They are available when I want to bounce an idea or will just listen when I need to work through a situation. They have assisted with phone screens, job descriptions, policies, unemployment, FMLA, HR audit, and so much more. They are very easy to work with and I have always felt they ‘really’ cared about assisting me and our organization. Their guidance has helped me grow personally in my knowledge which extends to being a better HR Professional for my employees and my company.
Thank you HR Partners!"