Human Resources Leadership Training

Does your leadership team need a “reboot” with human resources leadership training?  Coming out of the COVID fog, it seems to be a prominent item on organization’s “to do” list.  Recently, I did leadership training with Marshall County’s leaders, and it was featured in their local paper.  The details are here.

Below are the most common subject matters leaders may need a “tune up” on:

  • Hiring Talent – Effective Orientations and Onboarding
  • Workplace Etiquette and Boundaries – Know the Law and How to Solve Workplace Issues
  • Tips on Coaching and Managing Your Team
  • Communicating and Documenting Performance
  • Employee Handbook – Know Your Policies (Fair and Consistent)
  • Time Management 101 – How to Be Efficient and Productive
  • COLORS – What personality are you?  What contributions and challenges do you bring to the organization?

Give us a call if you need assistance with any of your HR training needs.  785-233-7860.

Employee Handbook - The Three Must Have's

It is time to update your employee handbook and it is a good business practice to review it annually.  Here are three (3) items you should have in your employee handbook:

  1. Employment Laws Should Follow the Employer’s Size

Employment laws require an organization to be compliant based upon the number of current employees who are on the payroll.  Employment laws change when the employment numbers change.  (Please see guidance link below.):

For example, below are the grids of compliance for employment laws.  The more employees you have, the more employment laws you will need to comply with.


Background Checks - Why Do Them? Which Ones Should I Do?

Good morning!

If there is one single “to do” item you should not skip in the recruitment process, it is administering background checks.  Why are they so important?  Let me provide some examples, and give you my top four (4) background checks you should administer on any potential employee of your organization:

  • Criminal Background Checks – If a prospective employee committed an offense in the State of Kansas (KBI check) or anywhere in the United States (federal background check), knowing what their history is becomes critical to decreasing liability for your organization.  Through these background checks, I have discovered past issues of aggravated assault (one time against a police officer), theft, drug charges and even murder!  Conduct a criminal background check!
  • Credit Check – HR Partners encourages this when three primary areas of responsibility will be in the employee’s job description. 


Required DOL Posters - IMPORTANT TO READ

HR Partners receives numerous calls each year from our clients (or potential clients) about getting an “updated” Department of Labor (“DOL”) poster for their businesses.  They receive phone calls or emails from very aggressive companies that state you “have to” get the new updated DOL poster ASAP or you will not be compliant with the law.   Clients share with us how much they have spent in the past, or how much the current company is charging for this service.  With multiple locations, this expense can add up quickly if multiple posters are required.


UPDATE - Please Read

On November 12, 2021, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals issued its opinion reaffirming its earlier stay of the OSHA Private Employer ETS. As a result, OSHA has confirmed that it is suspending activities related to implementing and enforcing the Private Employer ETS pending future developments in litigation.

Moving forward, the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation will randomly designate one circuit court of appeals from among those where lawsuits against the OSHA Private Employer ETS have been filed to consolidate and hear all OSHA Private Employer ETS lawsuits.


The HR Partners Holiday Video - 2024

We appreciate your business, and we wish you nothing but the best for Christmas and the New Year holidays.

2025 will be an epic year and we can’t wait to work with you to continue the magic.

To view the video, click the image below or click here, and once you see the video on Vimeo, please click the play button. Enjoy!



HR Advisor Newsletter

What our clients say...

Premier One Data Systems

Dave McDermott
Premier One Data Systems

“As Premier One has grown from a small business to a mid-sized business, the company has gone through a number of necessary changes to manage that growth. HR Partners assists us in managing that growth by improving multiple aspects of our business that fall outside of our primary area of expertise. Kristina provided staff training in customer service and time management. Margaret assisted us in developing a comprehensive employee handbook and job descriptions that follow HR best practices. John has developed, reviewed, and advised us on a number of contracts and other legal documents.

Premier One provides comprehensive IT consulting, so we understand that business model well. HR Partners is truly the best in the business for those who are looking for HR and Legal consulting all under one roof. Thank you HR Partners!”