Orchestrate Change

Change is happening at an unbelievable rate.  Experts say we are now experiencing more change in 1 year than our parents did in a decade or our grandparents did in their lifetime!  The 3 main drivers of change are technology, information and people.  Managing change in a team environment is always a challenge as rapid change can become overwhelming and result in inaccurate work, short tempers, lack of cooperation, missed deadlines and projects off schedule.  As a team leader, there are some steps you can take to better “orchestrate” change.


6 Steps to Prove Your Worth: The Power of HR Metrics

HR is often looked upon as a cost center rather than as a valuable resource to the organization.  You need to help change that image –not only to prove your own worth but to help advance our profession as well. The ability to sell yourself is instrumental to your success.  HR may be doing a dynamite job, but if no one notices, they won’t realize your potential. 


The HR Partners Holiday Video - 2024

We appreciate your business, and we wish you nothing but the best for Christmas and the New Year holidays.

2025 will be an epic year and we can’t wait to work with you to continue the magic.

To view the video, click the image below or click here, and once you see the video on Vimeo, please click the play button. Enjoy!



HR Advisor Newsletter

What our clients say...

Kansas Action for Children

Janelle Brazington

Director of Operations & Finance

Kansas Action for Children

"The HR Partners team has great follow-through and provides personal service, both highly valuable in this line of work. I can depend on them to deliver results and provide innovative solutions to complex problems."