Compliance with the Pregnancy Discrimination Act and Other Applicable Laws

The Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA), which applies to employers with fifteen (15) or more employees, forbids discrimination based on pregnancy when it comes to any aspect of employment including, but not limited to, recruitment, compensation, promotions, training, benefits and terminations.

Under the PDA, an employee who is temporarily unable to perform her job due to pregnancy must be given the same rights as any other employee with a temporary disability. For example, if an employee who is temporarily disabled utilizes disability leave or leave without pay, an employee who is temporarily unable to perform her job due to pregnancy must be able to utilize the same benefit.


New FLSA Regulations…Is your Company Prepared?

The Department of Labor (DOL) has recently proposed changes to the Fair Labor Standards Act’s (FLSA) overtime regulations. These proposed changes include increasing the salary level test for Executive, Administrative and Professional level exemptions, as well as increasing the salary level for Highly Compensated Employees. The proposed changes also include reanalyzing the definition of “primary duty” for the purposes of proper FLSA classifications.


2016 Hot Topics in HR Compliance

Each January, Tim Davis, partner at the law firm of Constangy, Brooks, Smith & Prophete, LLP, speaks to the local Topeka SHRM Chapter regarding recent and upcoming legal updates and how each affects the area of human resources. These legal updates include all aspects of the employer/employee relationship including compliance with the NLRA, FMLA, Title VII, ADA, ADEA, and FLSA, just to name a few.


Greater Topeka Chamber of Commerce Volunteers of the Year

Kristina Dietrick, Creative Business Solutions, and Wendy Wells, U.S. Bank, Chamber Volunteers of the Year

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The HR Partners Holiday Video - 2023

We appreciate your business, and we wish you nothing but the best for Christmas and the New Year holidays.

2024 will be an epic year and we can’t wait to work with you to continue the magic.

To view the video, click the image below or click here, and once you see the video on Vimeo, please click the play button. Enjoy!

 Christmas Video 2023


HR Advisor Newsletter

What our clients say...

Norton County Hospital

Gina Frack, BS, RN
Interim CEO and COO
Norton County Hospital
“HR Partners earned our trust to revamp our employee handbook, restructure the organizational chart and train and develop our most valuable asset – our workforce.”
“We knew we had to improve our overall HR program, but the ‘how’ was overwhelming.  HR Partners helped guide us through the tough work.  Their ongoing support gave staff and the organization encouragement and confidence needed to truly make changes happen.”