The Company Holiday Party – Suggestions for Having Fun and Avoiding Liability

The holidays are swiftly approaching. Employees are beginning to embrace the magic of the season and employers are preparing for the annual holiday party. While the proper do’s and don’ts surrounding holiday parties may seem obvious to some, Creative Business Solutions would like to take a moment to remind employers about the potential liability surrounding company holiday parties, and provide some appropriate suggestions to help your company avoid any problems from these special holiday celebrations.

First, attendance at holiday parties should be voluntary for both practical and legal reasons. From a practical perspective, some employees may simply not want to attend for a host of reasons. From a legal perspective, making attendance voluntary helps protect employers from potential wage claims or worker’s compensation claims.


In Honor of Our Veterans - 2015

In honor of Veteran's Day, I want to thank all who have or who are currently serving in our military. Recently, I had the opportunity for my first visit to Washington, D.C. Of course, high on my list of things to see and experience had to do with the brave men and women in the armed forces who have served our country. The four pictures below represent sites I was able to see and pay my respects: Tomb of the Unknown Soldier; Korean War Memorial ("Freedom is Not Free"); World War II Memorial (Harry Truman's quote); and the Vietnam War Memorial (over 58,000 names are is an overwhelming experience to see.)

If you are an employer, the law is very clear on protection for those who served - or serve - and work for you. For your convenience, I am including the link of the details in this article:

Thank you again for serving. I am very grateful that the life I live is because of your service.

WDC 1  WDC 2

WDC 3  WDC 4

Is Your Employee Handbook Compliant With the Recent NLRB General Counsel Memorandum?

On March 18, 2015, the General Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB”) issued Memorandum GC 15-04, offering guidance for drafting employee handbook rules so they won’t be deemed unlawful by the NLRB.

This Memorandum is relevant to nearly all private employers – especially to unrepresented (non-union) employees who comprise a large majority of the nation’s workforce – because the NLRB is aggressively policing employee handbooks and other employer policies which it believes has a “chilling effect” on employee rights under the National Labor Relations Act (“NLRA”). In fact, the mere maintenance of a work rule – even in the absence of enforcement – may violate the NLRA.


Dealing with Bad Employee Behavior

For whatever reason, bad behavior from our clients' employees comes in waves here at Creative Business Solutions. We receive phone calls from our clients requesting advice on how to deal with impolite behavior and other unacceptable workplace behaviors. Why does it come in waves? I have no idea. There are various theories... from the full moon, to springtime, to the holidays. Whatever the reason, it is always a good idea to remind your employees of your policy... Code of Conduct and/or Code of Ethics.

A great training program we provide at CBS is entitled "Workplace Etiquette/Workplace Boundaries." It is a one or two hour training session for management and/or staff. It is a great proactive training session that you can offer annually.

While I'm on this subject, I found the following article to be a good read. Keep us in mind for training, we are only a phone call away.

Outlawing impolite behavior at work: an ominous trend: Click Here


Facing the Giants: True Leaders Don't Quit

Facing the Giants: True Leaders Don't Quit

Take a look at this movie scene from Facing the Giants. The entitled video is "True Leaders Don't Quit". A lot of "aha" moments to assist you or your team with leadership. What did I capture from this movie scene?

  • First, if you don't believe you can do it, it won't happen. You are setting yourself up for failure.
  • Second, always give your best. And your best will get you to the next level.
  • Finally, if you are a leader, and you are negative, your attitude will be toxic. Instead of just dragging yourself down, you will have dragged your team as well.

Bottom line, everyone is a leader. Lead by example, show the characteristics of a winner, and you will succeed.

The HR Partners Holiday Video - 2023

We appreciate your business, and we wish you nothing but the best for Christmas and the New Year holidays.

2024 will be an epic year and we can’t wait to work with you to continue the magic.

To view the video, click the image below or click here, and once you see the video on Vimeo, please click the play button. Enjoy!

 Christmas Video 2023


HR Advisor Newsletter

What our clients say...

Grandstand Glassware & Apparel

Gwen Denton
Human Resources Director 
Grandstand Glassware & Apparel

"I have worked with HR Partners for over two (2) years in an advisory and legal capacity. The HR Partners Team has made themselves available with little notice when I’ve been in need of their expertise in an immediate situation.

They are available when I want to bounce an idea or will just listen when I need to work through a situation. They have assisted with phone screens, job descriptions, policies, unemployment, FMLA, HR audit, and so much more. They are very easy to work with and I have always felt they ‘really’ cared about assisting me and our organization. Their guidance has helped me grow personally in my knowledge which extends to being a better HR Professional for my employees and my company.

Thank you HR Partners!"